If you like to fartlek, this blog's for you!

The life and times of a running mom.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

So, this is not the first time I've attempted a blog. My intentions are always good, but like good chocolate cake, they don't last very long. But it's a new year, so here we go again. As most of you know, I love to run. Let me rephrase that. I love to finish a race. Running and I, well, our relationship is hot and cold. Last year it was mostly cold as I was sidelined for 4 months with IT band issues. My husband will tell you it's just one of many issues I have, but this one stuck around longer than most. After months of physical therapy and "rest" (seriously, if you know me, you know rest is not something I suffer well unless it's served with a side dish of ice cream) I started running again. Tentatively at first, then suddenly I was back!

Now, running and I occasionally agree to disagree. For example, this past week I wanted to get some hill work in, but the hamstrings decided it was time for me to slow down. Yesterday, though, I had time for a short run, but all of a sudden my muscles relaxed, my lungs grew a little wider, and I could have run a marathon, if only I didn't have to pick up Kaitlynne from school.

Speaking of kids, my running isn't a fan of my kids. It likes to steal my time. Instead of sharing pancakes around the breakfast table with the family on Saturday mornings, it insists that I get up and run around the neighborhood like a hamster in a cage for hours on end. And what if I refuse? Well, then I'm guaranteed some embarassing, painful looking marathon photos for sure (that's if I make it to the start line.)

So, this blog attempt will be different. This blog will focus on running, and while I'll blog some about the family, my main purpose will be to attempt to record my journey through training and racing while balancing my real job as Mom. Maybe this new focus will keep me on target. Maybe it will bore you to tears, but in the end I hope it will entertain at least a few of you and maybe get you running with me... to Cold Stone maybe?

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